Bikers ride along Lake Pontchartrain on the first ever Levee Disaster Bike Tour on May 6, 2012. Photo/Hubie Vigreux
On Sunday May 6, Levees.org will launch its first Levee Disaster Bike Tour. The 90-minute tour starts at the City Park Boat and Bike Rentals at Big Lake Trail.
We leave at 9 a.m. and taking safe, marked biking routes, we will bike to the 17th Street Canal breach (6932 Bellaire Drive) and hear a short history of the levee breach disaster. Then we will bike through the Lakeview neighborhood, through beautiful City Park to the London Avenue Canal breach (5300 Warrington Drive) in the Filmore Gardens neighborhood of Gentilly. Again, we will hear a short history of the breach disaster.
We will then return to City Park. The bike tour is 12 miles and takes not more than 90 minutes with the levee breach talks. There is no charge to join the bike tour.
For more about the Bike Tour, click here.
You can rent a bike from JoyRide bike rentals, but must be reserved 24 hours in advance. Email Alberto at info@joyridebikerentals.com
This tour is organized under the auspices of Jane Jacobs Walk, an organization committed to helping city neighborhoods thrive by making them walkable and bike-friendly.
For more about Jane Jacobs Walk, click here.
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