Levee Board Veteran Stephen Estopinal Speaks About Governor’s Plans
Immediately after the Hurricane Katrina flooding in New Orleans, pre-Katrina local levee board members were scapegoated for the catastrophe. One member who served from 1997 to 2001 was a Catholic nun, but they were all wrongly portrayed as corrupt. It was the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that flooded New Orleans with its inferior design […]
Past-Levee Authority Commissioner Stephen Estopinal on Recent Resignations
Four members of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East (SLFPA-E) have resigned in protest over Governor Jeff Landry’s appointment of a levee commissioner. The appointment openly disregards the levee board laws passed after Hurricane Katrina. While the leadership at Levees.org disagrees with the Governor’s decision to flout the law, the leadership also insists it ‘just […]
The Advocate continues to live in the past
Alex Lubben, a reporter for The Advocate, recently called me for commentary on Governor Jeff Landry’s plans to dismantle the SLFPA nominating committee created after Katrina. I told Lubben that the levee board “reforms” passed 20 years ago were a distraction. I explained that the “reforms” drew attention away from the true culprit, the USACE. […]