Over 4,000 Petition signatures supporting Ivor van Heerden sent to LSU Chancellor

Last month, in response to public outrage over Louisiana State University’s decision to terminate Dr. Ivor van Heerden, Levees.org posted a petition on its website.

This morning, Levees.org sent an excel sheet listing over 4,000 petition signatures to LSU Chancellor Mike Martin in support of Dr. van Heerden.

The letter and signatures can be seen on the web at this link:

The handing over of the signatures comes on the heels of a meeting between Dr. van Heerden and a representative of Governor Bobby Jindal’s office. Dr. van Heerden says he discussed the potential of his collaborating with the Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities in the future.

In addition to the petition, Levees.org had launched a letter campaign to Governor Jindal who received over 1,000 letters from Louisiana constituents urging him to talk to the Chancellor and ask him to reconsider. Levees.org also held a rally at LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans that drew dozens of chanting protesters.

Next week, Levees.org director Sandy Rosenthal and research director HJ Bosworth Jr. will travel to the Netherlands with Senator Mary Landrieu on a congressional delegation visit to see the Dutch
world-class integrated water management system.

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