Young filmmaker from St. Bernard Parish wins “Best Short” at prestigious NYC film fest

Filmmaker Matt Faust stands where his family home in Chalmette, LA once was.  The home took on 9 ft of water in August 2005 and was later torn down by accident.

Filmmaker Matt Faust stands where his family home in Chalmette, LA once was. The home took on 9 ft of water in August 2005 and was later torn down by accident.

A lifelong resident of Chalmette, Matt Faust has won the prize for best short documentary at New York’s prestigious Tribeca Film Festival!

Many of you will recognize the haunting scene with the little girl and her beach ball standing in a desolate post-levee breach landscape from our Public Service Announcement a year ago.

I am sure Matt would agree with me that the promise of many more audiences to view this beautiful film will help keep the preventable tragedy of the levee failures in front of the American people.

Click here for more on Faust and the Tribeca Festival.

One response to “Young filmmaker from St. Bernard Parish wins “Best Short” at prestigious NYC film fest”

  1. Ronald C. Treadaway, Sr. says:

    I remember the good old days. Going on a date in the fifties to Pontchartrain Beach. Drive by the corner of Canal and Carrollton to purchas hot tamales from Manuel Our family would always go the Lee Circle for Mardi Gras. New Orleans is in my blood-line and recall the injustice done to my father when he and his two first cousins went to probate court about my Great Grandfaters will in Plaquemine parish. Remember the Bohemia Spillway and the Cheniere Ronquillo Spanish Settlement.

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