Founder Rosenthal featured for her role unmasking Corps of Engineers’ attack campaign

Right after starting, founder Rosenthal was hammered with ugly comments from dozens of different online critics with a consistent message:

“Rosenthal is a liar. New Orleans was flooded due a monster storm and lazy local officials.”

In December 2008, Rosenthal discovered the comments were coming from computers at the Army Corps of Engineers’ New Orleans office. was one of the first victims of this technique where a squadron of foot soldiers employed by the military wage war against grassroots groups on social media.

How Rosenthal caught the Army Corps of Engineers red-handed in its heinous campaign starts in the video at 8:05.

The federal government spends millions trying to stop true grassroots groups like It is remarkable that prevailed.

One response to “Founder Rosenthal featured for her role unmasking Corps of Engineers’ attack campaign”

  1. iblogtoshare says:

    Thanks, Kathleen! Enjoy!

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