Home shoved into street by floodwaters coming through the London Avenue Canal east breach site. Photo/Stephen Nelson
The Data Center of Southeast Louisiana has a report on its website containing blatant falsehoods about what caused the 2005 flooding during Hurricane Katrina.
The report states Katrina’s destruction was caused by insufficient funding for maintenance. This is false.
The report also states Katrina’s destruction was caused by errors in design. This is true, but the report doesn’t say the Army Corps of Engineers was responsible for them.
These falsehoods – and many others in the report – shield the corps from blame for its mistakes.
These falsehoods dishonor the thousands who perished. And the million who survived.
Levees.org might have understood the blatant mistakes if this was the Data Center of Chicago or the Data Center of New York.
But this is the Data Center of Southeast Louisiana! This organization – which has done good work – has the highest duty to get the facts right about the worst civil engineering disaster in U.S. history.
Levees.org recommends clicking the link below and requesting the report be removed from the Data Center website.
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