UPDATED: August 14, 2024
The Education Failures Education (EFE) is a public safety campaign to require all students in the U.S. who are working toward a Bachelors degree in Engineering in the U.S. to receive instruction on engineering failures and the lessons learned from those failures.
The process to achieve the goal is for a coalition of deans of Engineering Schools throughout the nation to send a letter to the president of ABET suggesting a modification of a current student outcome––students must demonstrate awareness of past engineering failures.
The letter will also include demonstrated support in the form of: 1) a national list of engineers and experts, 2) a national list of organizations, societies, NGOs, nonprofits, agencies etc, and 3) evidence of national public engagement.
The following engineers / experts have added their name in support.
Dr. Abolhassan ASTANEH-ASL, P.E.
Professor Emeritus, University of California Berkeley
Brett Hoffstadt, PMP, P.E.
Engineer, Air Resources, California Air Resources Board
Robert Leslie, P.E.
Senior Environmental Engineer, AtkinsRéalis
Marc Levitan, P.E.
Lead Research Engineer for the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program with NIST
Calvin Mackie, P.E.
CEO and Founder of STEM NOLA
Matt McBride, P.E.
Professional Engineer, New Orleans, LA
Charles Nelson, P.E.
Board of Directors, Waldemar Nelson Engineering
Chad Poche, P.E.
Chair-elect of the American Council of Engineering Companies – Louisiana
J. David Rogers, Ph.D., P.E., P.G., C.E.G., C.HG., F.ASCE, F.GSA
Karl F. Hasselmann Missouri Chair, Professor Geological Engineering, Missouri S&T
Stephen Ressler, P.E., Ph.D., Dist.M.ASCE, F.ASEE
Past President, Lehigh Valley Section, American Society of Civil Engineers
David Rosenberg, P.E.
Kathleen Schaefer, P.E.
Researcher, Catastrophic Risk Management (CA)
Rune Storesund, DEng PE GE
Consulting engineer SF Bay Area
Bob Turner, P.E.
Past Superintendent New Orleans S&WB. Past Regional Director, Southeast Louisiana Flood Authority-East
Kristi L. Trail, P.E.
Professional Engineer, New Orleans, LA
Past Flood Protection Authority East commissioners
Stephen Estopinal, P.E.
Retired Land Surveyor/ Civil Engineer, former President of the SLFPA-East. Author.
Eugene (Gene) Joanen
Balance Consulting, Inc
Louis Wittie
Chief Engineer at Barber Brothers Contracting
Tim Doody
Executive Director, Chaffe McCall LLP
John M. Barry
Author of The Great Influenza and Rising Tide
Paul Kemp
Principal, G. Paul Kemp & Associates LLC
Wilton Paul Tilly III, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer, Vali Cooper International,
Rick Luettich, Jr.
Professor and Director, U of N Carolina, UNC
Delton Carvalho,
Founding partner at Délton Carvalho | Environmental Law Firm. Visiting Scholar UC Berkeley.
Robert K. Dawson
President, Dawson & Associates, Washington DC
David Derbes, PhD,
Physics teacher, U of Chicago Laboratory Schools (retired)
Windell Curole
Served 42 years as south Lafourche levee director
Harry Shearer
Producer of The Big Easy documentary
Glenn Corbett
Professor of Science, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, (NY)
Mark Davis
Research Professor, Tulane Law School, Tulane University, Director, Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law
Carlton Dufrechou
General Manager, Causeway Commission
Ivor van Heerden, PhD.
Agulhas Ventures Inc. Reedville Va.
Adrienne Katner, D.Env., M.S.
Assoc Professor, Director of Environmental and Occupational Health Science Program, LSU
Mark Schexnayder, P.E.
Coastal Scientist, Batture LLC, Former LDWF Deputy Ass. Secretary, Former Louisiana Sea Grant/LSU AgCenter Coastal Advisor/Sp. Ass. to the Chancellor for Hurricane Recovery (LA)
Benedict (Benny) Rousselle
Retired Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator La Department of Natural Resources; former Plaquemines Parish President
Stanford Rosenthal
Associate Vice President, Academics, Kenzie Academy from Southern New Hampshire University
Robert A. (Bob) Thomas
Professor & Director, Center for Environmental Communication at Loyola University New Orleans
Robert Verchick
Law Professor/President at Center for Progressive Reform. Fellow Harvard Radcliffe Institute