Media blames New Orleanians for our hardships – again

Updated June 29, 2014.

For me, during the ordeal of Gustav, lots of things were hard. Like packing for an evacuation, traveling in traffic jams, and hunkering down during a hurricane.

But for me, the hardest thing of all was watching the media–yet again–blame us, the citizens of New Orleans for the difficulties and hardships we were going through. And the winner is The Boston Globe. An article by the Globe starts with these few sentences:

Hurricane Katrina brought shame upon a fabled American city – and the nation. The infirm were abandoned. The lawless ran rampant. And vital government functions, most notably the protective network of levees, failed miserably.…”

The article was chock full of the myths and misinformation that New Orleans citizens have been working for three years to dispel. And it’s the reason we at created our latest video “The Katrina Myth.”

If you haven’t yet, please click the link, watch the short video and rate it. It’s got a top rating on YouTube, but we need to keep it there! Your action is important. Then forward to your fam and friends!

Thanks for your help!

Sandy Rosenthal

Click here for the Boston Globe article.

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