Levees.org’s video on Corps of Engineers zooms to top of YouTube charts!

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The bottom line: behavior like this coming from the US Army Corps of Engineers is why we need a truly independent study of the levee failures in New Orleans. This illustrates why we need the 8/29 Investigation Act.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.org

7 responses to “Levees.org’s video on Corps of Engineers zooms to top of YouTube charts!”

  1. Robert McKnight says:

    I am a Hurricane Katrina survivor. I listened to all the criticism of the Corps. I remember the newspaper articles about the hurricane protections act passed by congress in 1967 and the picture of President Johnson signing the bill with Congressman Hale Boggs and Senator Russell Long. I wondered what happened to this project. I investigated the Corps and project in the Times-Picayune and States Item. To my amazement, I discovered that the project was halted by the Federal Court in New Orleans. It seems a lady from Uptown New Orleans sued the Corps over Environmental issues. In 1977, the court ruled in favor of the lady. The Corps goes to congress for relief, and Congress told them basically to maintain the status quo. I feel that Congress and our legislators hold more responsibility than the Corps. As a side line, the swing gates shown in Holland were copies of the New Orleans Corps design developed after the 1967 act. The Corps had actually started construction Rigolets. As I stated, all this information was gleamed from the two local papers at that time. Too bad we did not have a Hale Boggs or Russell Long to push through the projects that effected our area after Hurricane Betsy. I know for a fact I would not been flooded if the Rigolets swing gates were in place and the twin span bridge would probably not been destroyed.

  2. S. Rosenthal says:

    Dear Mr. McKight,

    I am just a citizen, but I can read, and so I decided to read federal Judge Stanwood Duval’s January 30, 2008 statement on this very issue:

    1970-75 The Corps of Engineers designed plans for barrier structures for The Rigolets, Chef Menteur Pass and the Seabrook lock. On Dec 8, 1975, Luke Fontana (definitely not an uptown lady) with Save our Wetlands filed suit against Barrier Plan, which triggered its eventual abandonment. On Dec 7, 1977, the Court prohibited the Barrier Plan implementation “citing inadequacies in the District EIS [Environmental Impact Study] analysis of the surge barrier effects on lake salinity regimes and habitat.” Four months later, levees and floodwalls were allowed elsewhere in the New Orleans vicinity, but Chef Menteur Pass, the Rigolets, and the Seabrook Lock was prohibited. Fast forward to Apr 1978 – Feb 1980 The Corps “approved the project restudy plan” to spend 3 years addressing deficiencies in Environmental Impact Study.

    Finally, in June 1980, the Corps concluded High Level Plan (higher levees) providing SPH protection, was less costly, less damaging to the environment, and more acceptable than the Barrier Plan.


  3. Bruce Biles says:

    Mr. McNight,
    thank you for such a salient piece of innuendo.
    It is about time someone came onto this blog with the intellectual fortitude to address Ms. Rosenthal’s concerns about, shall we be charitable here, the Corps of Engineers less than honorable –though no less ambitious– tactic of re-framing and re-telling the story of the abject failure of their own Engineering on August 29th, 2005.

    That is the point of the post.

    Not, as you by False Analogy cloddishly assert, Ms Rosenthal’s litigiousness proclivities.

    Hence, she demolished your faux curve-ball salient innuendo
    –with Sworn Court Testimony.
    Demolished it. Really.
    Exquisitely well done and with all the poise of an uptown lady.
    And I wait on baited breath to see your retort!
    I can’t see it, and that is half the fun.

    You see, I was here for the Federal Flood, when the Corps of Engineers’ Flood Control System (in name only) Failed. 6 days.
    So, you see, I caught a dark sense of humor during those unsilent nighjts about these types of discussions: as to what went down and why, as well as now, what is going down and why. What’s that Sound?

    Did you hear any of those levees break, btw, Robert?
    What’s that Sound that’s Going Down.

    Really. The Corps of Engineers is attempting to Lie on Ms. Rosenthal’s blogs.
    They came on My own blog and Lied.

    This isn’t about whatever you were getting at, with your False Analogy, ‘begging the question’, also called petitio principii, in which the proposition to be proved is assumed implicitly or explicitly in one of the premises
    –or the resultant back-hand, ad mominem attack.
    It won’t work, because Ms Rosenthal deals in data, facts, and in this case, web shots of these criminals doing exactly with she is posting about.

    And so you offer…this. And she retorts.
    Dose not call you on your fallacies which would’ve costs you at least 15 points in a debate.
    How mannered. How well bred. How…
    Wish I knew where this Lady lives… Uptown maybe???

    And you stand with your pants down,
    demolished by Sworn Court Tesimony –given by Engineers!
    I find that hysterical!

    So I am not here to jump into Y’alls discourse!
    It is your turn. Please, since you now as far as I can see, have Nothing please please please tell us…
    Oh that is Rich!
    Salient Innuendo and Out the Other!
    Yes, Robert, I like to laugh like a Rhesus Monkey.
    And I will dance on the Exquisite Corps!
    Hahahahaha! WHO’DAT???

  4. Bruce Biles says:

    Sorry, Robert.
    I wrote a ton more up there than reasonable.
    So sue me.
    But, all I really really gotta know now…
    (you guessed it)
    (drum roll please)

  5. Bob Perlman says:

    You should thank the Corps for bringing this into the national spotlight. Living in the Rocky Mountains, everyone I know cannot comprehend why one would live below the level of surrounding water then rely on our government for protection. The first thing the government should do is get out of the flood control business. Knock down all the levees and if the land is dry, that is where you can build. Either that or live in a stilt house and get there by boat. Quit waisting tax payer dollars on stupidity.

  6. Bruce Biles says:

    Hey Bob, the other Bob’s not answering.
    Do you know who he’s talking about?
    Just who is this Uptown Lady?
    Do you know what you are talking about?
    Over half New Orleans is above sea level. That’s a fact.

    Another common misnomer is that not all New Orleanians are dopped-up looters. Some are quite ladylike. Even the ones who live Uptown.

    But the most common and dangerous misunderestimation of all is that Civil Engineering is a profession of ambiguous degree, like sanitation engineer.
    Not only was my father both a Civil and Electrical engineer, but also a Lt Col in the US Air Force.
    And, he thought the Corps of Engineers command should be drawn out and shot for dereliction of duty, overstepping their mandate, and lying about obvious first year engineering mistakes in those flood control structures.
    But, Bob, there are no 2nd Chances in Civil Engineering.
    But all I wanna know from you Bobs is…

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