AP reports on Corps’ $5 million PR to improve its image

The Corps of Engineers New Orleans District has spent $2.3 million in tax payers’ money to cover its you-know-what and reduce “negative stories” about it.

And the Corps will spend another $2.4 million by the end of its three-year contract.

In contrast, Levees.org has been laboring since December 2005 to reduce the number of negative stories about New Orleans – and been very effective – without any tax payer support of any kind, an entirely volunteer effort.

Your hard-earned dollars, $5 million dollars, could instead have gone toward finding the truth about the Flooding in Greater New Orleans.

Click here and tell your members of Congress you would rather your taxpayer money be spent on the 8/29 Investigation Act, a truly bipartisan independent analysis of the levee failures, and the decisions that resulted in, the dreadfully inadequate system.

Click here for the story as reported by the Associated Press. Scroll to Recent Press.

3 responses to “AP reports on Corps’ $5 million PR to improve its image”

  1. Carter Slade says:

    Ma’am, why do engage in the same activity that you accuse the Corps of?

    Rather than play this in the media for your own political gain, for a cause that is clearly on life support, why not call the Corps and meet with them to get an answer? You only manage to resurrect yourself when you feel you aren’t getting any attention for your “cause.” You’ve done almost as much to delay the recovery of this great city and its people as the mayor.

    BTW, what happened the Friday CBS News story?

    Also, the AP reporter has his facts wrong, as he normally does. But when has accuracy been any interest to you?

    Carter Slade

    PS – Just in case you decide not to post this, I’m sending it to my email list of ~10,000 that includes all the major broadcast networks around the world. Be prepared to answer the tough questions coming your way.


  2. Johnny Blaze says:

    Here you go, Carter:

    As levees,org seems more to represent the antibody politic, what political gain?
    No one has done more to delay answers to the Corps of Engineers’ catastrophic civil engineering failures on 8/29/05 than the Exquisite Corps its own self –with the help of paid professional spin’filtraitors.
    While We the People have nothing but recovery and survival of their substandard engineering.

    To what “facts” do you refer?

    May I have the name of your pharmacist? Are they on your vaunted mailing list?

  3. Dear Carter,

    I have had to stand up to power. I will tell you it’s very hard. I have had to deal with a lot of very bad stuff. If not for some brave souls from the media, I might have gotten nowhere.

    Thank you Cain Burdeau of the Associated Press, to Pia Malbran of CBS News and to Georgianne Nienaber of the Huffington Post for helping me get this important message into the national news.

    Thank you Cain, Pia and Georgianne for helping to give me a voice.

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