Gen Russel Honore to appear in maiden episode of BEAT THE BIG GUYS

After eight month of preparation, founder Sandy Rosenthal launched her first podcast episode of Beat the Big Guys on June 21, 2021.

The show is designed to help citizens-at-large who see a problem in their town or community but may feel helpless to do anything about it.

Each episode will feature major celebrities and experts, where Rosenthal will provide free and inexpensive tools to help her listeners Beat the Big Guys.

Rosenthal’s first guest is Lt Gen Russel Honore, who brought order to New Orleans when the Army Corps of Engineers’ levees broke in August of 2005. General Honore was brought back into the spotlight at the first of this year. One week after the January 6 Capitol insurrection, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed the General to review the security and infrastructure at the historic building. Honoré and his team finished the review in March. Now, they are urging Congress to pass emergency legislation to fund recommended security enhancements.

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Founder Sandy Rosenthal to launch podcast

On June 21, 2021, founder Sandy Rosenthal will launch the BEAT THE BIG GUYS podcast.

Podcast description: Do you see a problem in your community or town, but feel there’s nothing you can do? Find out just how much power you have – right now – from Sandy Rosenthal who started out with no special training, stood up to a mammoth federal agency, and won. In every episode, Sandy, author of the best-selling book “Words Whispered in Water” will provide tools that you can use right now to Beat the Big Guys.

Rosenthal’s first guest will be Lt Gen Russel Honore.

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The Sinking Louisiana Coast Was Predicted 124 Years Ago

On page 354, James Corthell’s prediction can be viewed.

On this, the eve of Hurricane Season, it’s interesting to note that the sinking of the Louisiana coastal delta was predicted 124 years ago.

The Army Corps of Engineers has often stated in its modern reports on coastal Louisiana that it did not discover coastal land loss until the 1970’s.

This claim is hard to accept in light of a remarkably accurate prediction in December 1897 and published in the National Geographic (on page 354) by Elmer L. Corthell, civil engineer.

His prediction was endorsed by James Eads, builder of the Mississippi River jetties.

This demonstrates the Corps’ and the federal government’s culpability for coastal land loss and by extension for the flood risk in New Orleans.

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