The levee breach event of August 2005 was the worst civil engineering disaster in US history, yet the corps has shut down its IPET report webpage.

The Army Corps of Engineers has quietly removed its Katrina levee investigation (IPET) report from its website.
The reports from other major governmental investigations are still easily available on federal websites:
9/11 Commission (Sept 2001),
Oklahoma City Bombing (April 1995),
Waco Siege (April 1993),
World Trade Center bombing (February 1993)
and Ruby Ridge (August 1992)
But as of today, one can access the IPET report only by going to an LSU website, and only the final report and appendices can be accessed.
The IPET webpage that the Army Corps of Engineers shut down included all previous interim versions, all the basic information they used, all the appendices, and all the original drawings of the outfall canals.