Ever since the flash-flooding on August 5 when a summer rain drenched homes and business in New Orleanians, it’s been tempting to jump to conclusions and instantly name a culprit.
But the fact is, competent investigations avoid that temptation and approach the challenge objectively. Which is why it’s critical that the investigation into what went wrong and why with the S&WB pumping stations and drainage be unbiased, objective and transparent.
That begins with making certain that the committee which selects the firm that will conduct the S&WB investigation has no stake in the results. The selection committee is composed of:
Councilmember-At-Large Jason Williams, who also chairs the Utility Committee;
Councilmember-At Large Stacy Head, who also chairs the Budget Committee; and,
District C Councilmember Nadine Ramsey, who also chairs the Public Works Committee.