Tag Archives: new orleans
HJ Bosworth speaks with WWL TV about French Quarter sinkholes
Levees.org’s lead researcher H.J. Bosworth speaks with Jacqueline Quynh about the French Quarter sinkhole problem.
Founder Rosenthal on New Orleans levee system getting a grade of ‘minimally acceptable”
Levees.org founder Sandy Rosenthal talks to WWL TV’s David Hammer about her group’s belief that New Orleans levee system’s grade of ”minimally acceptable’ for its levee maintenance should have been made public, been easily accessible and should have provided an explanation for the low rating.
WWL TV: New Orleans levee system maintained at “minimally acceptable” levels; worse now than leading up to Hurricane Katrina
Levees.org wondered how the post Katrina Levee Authorities were doing in maintaining the levees. So the group filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act to find out. It turns out all of the local districts under the new Regional Levee Authorities have been getting grades of ‘minimally acceptable’ ever since Katrina. That’s worse […]