Tag Archives: new orleans
Louisiana State Museum and Levees.org to Collaborate on Exhibit
At the request of Levees.org, the Louisiana State Museum has agreed to add a new panel to its highly successful exhibit, Living with Hurricanes – Katrina and Beyond. The new exhibit panel will highlight the large number of changes to national policy that followed the failure of the levee system during Hurricane Katrina which is […]
Why do we need whistleblowers?
The New York Times business section ran an article last month about the importance of critics and whistleblowers. Why are they so valuable? Because there is noticeably less fraud and better behavior company-wide after bad behavior has been exposed. We may never be able to calculate exactly how much, but Levees.org’s constant and eternal vigilance […]
Army Corps of Engineers caught again lying about levee failures
We recently caught the Army Corps of Engineers lying to American people. Again. In recently obtained video footage, the corps New Orleans district public affairs (P.A.) officer blamed Hurricane Katrina’s surge for the failure of the outfall canals. Standing next to the 17th Street Canal, Lt. Colonel Austin Appleton’s P.A. officer states: “The surge was […]