Tag Archives: new orleans
Levees.org logs 900,000 visitors to its website
Today, the Levees.org website logged its 900,000th visitor. Nine hundred thousand times, folks have visited Levees.org’s website since its launch in 2005. Lots of folks wanted to understand why the levees failed in the New Orleans region during Hurricane Katrina. When Stanford Rosenthal, the founder’s son, created the site at the age of fifteen, no […]
10th Anniversary Event of Flood Disaster Announced
We are pleased to announce the event marking the 10th anniversary of the worst civil engineering disaster in the history of the United States. WHO: Levees.org in partnership with the residents of the Lower Ninth Ward WHAT: Historic plaque unveiling ceremony WHERE: T-intersection of Jourdan Avenue and N. Johnson Street, New Orleans, the breach site […]
Take the Levee Challenge!
In keeping with our mission of education, we have released the Levee Challenge. The 10-question little quiz is designed to help folks understand why the New Orleans area flooded a decade ago. It’s intended to answer any lingering questions and separate facts from fairy tales. The role of the Army Corps of Engineers, the organization […]