Congress is Crippling Corps Reform

Even before the New Orleans tragedy, a decade of studies have revealed flaws in the Corps of Engineers’ planning and function. The importance of Corps Reform was merely reinforced by the New Orleans levee failures where independent experts and even the Corps itself concluded that the levees failed because of poor Corps design and flawed construction.

Corps Reform is essential, but a new Water Resources bill is currently being held up by Congress because of disagreements. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla) has proposed an amendment that would change little of the priority-free system that has failed the New Orleans and the country. The Inhofe/Bond amendment would change little of the politicized process that supports pork barrel projects and would maintain the status quo.

Senators John McCain and Russ Feingold have introduced two reform-minded amendments. One would establish independent expert review of corps projects and the other would require prioritizing corps projects. These two amendments would help assure that the right projects are chosen and that those “right” projects are done right.In an interview with a representative from Inhofe’s office, an aide told the Founder of Levees.Org, “the Senator feels that only the Federal Goverment should decide what’s best for the citizens.”

Levees.Org challenges this by saying that mindset is exactly what destroyed New Orleans.

The citizens of New Orleans and Louisiana should be concerned about this attitude especially as Senator Inhofe is Chairman of the Powerful Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee which oversees the work of the Corps.

Meanwhile, Senator Kit Bond (R-Missouri) who co-authored the Inhofe/Bond amendment and who also sits on the EPW committee has not yet visited New Orleans to see the damage caused by the Corps’ failed levee system. This should come as no surprise.

Dan Hitchings, Director of Task Force Guardian with the Corps of Engineers told me personally in February that he wanted an oversight committee to review the work of the Corps. Such a group would be made up of people who are “outside the culture and environment of the Corps” with the goals being to make sure that the right projects are chosen, and those “right” projects are done properly. Dan, a top guy at the Corps seems to want to protect the City of New Orleans with the help of Peer Review. But Senators Inhofe, Bond and their allies have no intention of giving up control of the Corps without a fight.

Corps Reform at the federal level is critical to saving New Orleans. Call your senators today and ask them to oppose the Inhofe/Bond amendment and to support the McCain/Feingold amendment.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

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