On Corps Reform

Levees.Org wishes to thank our Louisiana US Senators for their role in supporting Reform of the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Corps Reform comes in the new Water Resources Bill which creates an independent Peer Review Panel of scientists and experts with the authority to make recommendations on water projects considered by the Corps. A decision to ignore the panel’s advice could be used against the Corps in legal proceedings.

This legislation if it survives intact in the conference committee is a giant step in the right direction of making sure Corps projects get done right and that people’s livelihoods and property are protected in south Louisiana.

Credit goes to Senator David Vitter for his role in inserting special language in the Water Bill that will expedite projects identified by Louisiana and also projects identified by the Corps as part of a congressionally mandated analysis of Category 5 hurricane protection.

We also thank Senator Mary Landrieu who voted yes to both the Peer Review and the Prioritization amendments offered by the Feingold-McCain amendment. The Senator’s votes showed the citizens of New Orleans and South Louisiana that she will not tolerate wasteful spending, unwise land development and human suffering.

The members of Levees.Org found much encouragement when Senators Feingold, McCain and the proponents of the reform legislation repeatedly cited the experience of New Orleans where corps-designed levees and waterways failed to protect the citizens of New Orleans from a Cat 3 hurricane.

For Members of Congress outside Louisiana to loudly recognize the mistakes of the Corps in New Orleans marks the end of Congressional silence on the federal involvement in causing the New Orleans Flood.

Sandy Rosenthal

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