House fails to observe Katrina Anniversary

The US House of Representatives broke for summer recess without acting on a resolution offered by Louisiana and Mississippi House members to mark the anniversary of Katrina. The House did find the time to honor bicyclists, a college fraternity and a retired baseball pitcher. The House even did better than the Senate which offered up no resolution at all.

On June 1, the US Army Corps of Engineers admitted responsibility for the catastrophic flooding of New Orleans, but Congress has so far only taken baby steps in recognizing those errors which killed over 1200 people and destroyed over 100,000 homes and 95,000 businesses.

The federal government via the Corps of Engineers is overwhelmingly responsible for the New Orleans flood but Congress continues to be collectively silent on the issue.

On August 29, 2006, Levees.Org will observe the Anniversary of the Worst Engineering Disaster in US History. And we will pledge to continue to send Congress and the nation the true facts about the Flooding until Congress recognizes the errors of the Corps and accepts their responsibility to the citizens of Louisiana.

Sandy Rosenthal

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