On this Eve of August 29

Dear Members,

On this eve of August 29, we are faced with choices.

How shall we observe the Anniversary of the Worst Engineering Disaster in US History? Some will observe it intimately with family, others at special religious events, with friends, however they see most meaningful and most comforting.

Mary Burns one of our most recognizable members and Bucktown resident intends to make her observance at the Old Hammond Highway Bridge over the 17th Street Canal at 8am. She will bring her flag and her Levees.Org sign and will spend the day there eating, drinking and resting. Mary invites you to join her.

I have already chosen to spend this day of mourning/remembrance at home with my family. How ever you choose to spend this day, know that our energy is coalescing and a future of safety from flooding looks more certain every day.

Warmest regards,
Sandy Rosenthal

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