Corps of Engineers is culprit not savior

In a recent article, Associated Press reporter Brian Schwaner discusses the lack of progress in New Orleans. But Schwaner, like too many others, does not mention that New Orleans is in this mess because the US Army Corps of Engineers bungled the levees.

The caption below the photograph says “if the Army Corps of Engineers has its way…those in New Orleans should be better protected,” sounding as though the Army Corps is the savior when in fact, the Army Corps is the primary culprit in the drowning of New Orleans.

And what happened in New Orleans isn’t just a New Orleans problem. Go to, join us and find out if you are vulnerable. Don’t we all deserve levees that work?

Sandy Rosenthal
Executive Director, Levees.Org

Click here for Brian Schwaner’s article.

Click here for a recent TIME cover story that details the US Army Corps primary role in the New Orleans flooding on August 29, 2005.

5 responses to “Corps of Engineers is culprit not savior”

  1. Perhaps you are jumping the gun with respect to Corps of Engineers responsibilty. I have read and I have heard that, in the ’70’s, the Corps had planned to build floodgates from Lake Pontchartrain around the City of New Orleans. The information I found was that the Corps was threatened by certain environmental groups and, because of the delays surrounding the potential lawsuit, the Corps abandoned the project. Perhaps, it is the environmental groups who threatened the lawsuit who should be taken to task for the failure.

  2. Sandy Rosenthal says:

    Mr. Leicester,

    Yes, it’s true the Corps originally had wanted to build floodgates that did NOT include pumping capacity like those installed this year. Those floodgates were blocked in the 70s by local interests who were worried about rainwater backing up into the city. Nonetheless, for the Corps to claim they’re not responsible for the failure of their floodwall would be like the Dept of Transportation in Minneapolis claiming they’re not responsible for the failure of their bridge because originally they wanted to build a tunnel.

  3. Bruce Biles says:

    Where precisely Is the request for an 8/29 commission before the US Congress? I am having trouble finding it.

  4. Sandy Rosenthal says:

    On the homepage, click on the yellow box that says “Send a Letter.”
    Thanks! –Sandy

  5. george says:

    Brian Schwaner was not here for Katrina.

    That aggravates the fact that he is an idiotic know it all. Just ask anyone at the times picayune that had the misfortune of working with him.

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