Our newest Public Service Announcement coming soon!

In our latest Public Service Announcement video, we’re questioning the integrity and impartiality of the US Army Corps of Engineers’ levee investigation (IPET).

Levees.Org believes the Corps had way too much influence over the official levee investigation and also in the external peer review panel.

Saturday morning, November 3, 2007 we gave the press a sneak preview of our third in a series of Public Service Announcements, this one, a spoof, highlighting what we see as the Corps’ overly close ties to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the group chosen by the Corps to peer review the official Corps-sponsored levee investigation.

This week, perhaps as soon as Monday, we will post the PSA on YouTube and we’ll alert our membership to go view it and rate it. So if you’re not a member, please join now by clicking here. Stay tuned!

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

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