Levees.Org Asks Landrieu to do More about Corps of Engineers alleged internet scandal

At noon today, we sent the letter below to Senator Landrieu regarding her response to alleged coordinated abuse of public forums by a group of individuals at the Army Corps of Engineers.

June 25, 2009

Senator Mary Landrieu
328 Hart Senate Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Landrieu,

Thank you for your speedy response to our request, and for taking these disturbing, and in some cases, appalling allegations, seriously.

We appreciate your alerting the Department of Defense about this issue as these actions may be in violation of existing Department of Defense directives.

Still we wish to stress that since these activities may have violated Federal statutes, they must also be reviewed by the Department of Justice.

In short, we believe that the alleged activities may be far more than just a personnel matter within the Department of Defense.

Meanwhile, please also be aware that Levees.Org intends to file a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel to look into possible violations of the Hatch Act and Department of Defense Directive 1344.10.

Again, thank you for your speedy response to our concerns.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly,

Sandy Rosenthal
Executive Director

HJ Bosworth Jr, PE
Research Director

Vince Pasquantonio
Legislative Liaison

2 responses to “Levees.Org Asks Landrieu to do More about Corps of Engineers alleged internet scandal”

  1. Ronald Treadaway says:

    What is needed is a federal grand jury investigation of the corruption that caused the levees to fail goes back over 70 years. The Bohemia Spillway and Cheniere Ronquillo Spanish Settlement land and property were expropriated for the lands mineral wealth. Louisianas

    pandoras box needs to be exposed.
    There once was a great culture that inhabited the Cheniere Ronquillo Spanish Settlement. The academic community and historian failed to record this historic event.

    Tread 75

  2. Ronald C. Treadaway, Sr. says:

    I didn’t realize it at the time, but received an unknown telephone call about a week ago that contained nothing but expletives. I replied you must have the wrong number.


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