Watch on Fox 8 News tonight

Sabrina Wilson and camera crew depart after recording interview with's founder - Oct. 12, 2009.

Sabrina Wilson and camera crew depart after recording interview with's founder - Oct. 12, 2009.

See founder Sandy Rosenthal tonight on Fox 8 News discussing President Obama’s upcoming visit and lingering concerns about the flood protection in metro New Orleans.

5pm October 12, 2009

UPDATE: You can view the news story here.

2 responses to “Watch on Fox 8 News tonight”

  1. T.W. Hudgens says:

    Why is she now on TV going after President Obama? Where was se with all this animosity when Geprge W. Bush was in office? She sounds a bit confused and deliberately attempting to go after Obama when he had nothing to do with any of the failed policies that brought about the flooding in New Orleans.

  2. Ronald C. Treadaway, Sr. says:

    Why are levees privately owned in Plaquemine parish. Are these levees safetly maintained? There are many unanswered questions out there.Why was private property expropriated that was not used for flood control. Answer: Corruption.

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