Corps denies blame in New Orleans levee failures

Our new PSA video is a HIT, garnering over 27,000 views in 4 days and bringing lots of focus to the 8/29 Investigation, a whole new analysis of the flood protection failures in metro New Orleans.

Due to the hoopla, you may be hearing this objection:
“The Corps has already admitted they’re at fault. Why do another study?”

The response: The Corps has admitted ONLY to poor design of floodwalls on the 17th Street and London Avenue canals. The Corps has not admitted to a litany of other errors that were under its control.

For example, levee walls in many areas were 2 feet too low, levees were not armored, levees mainly in eastern New Orleans and St. Bernard parish were filled with erodable sand instead of good clay, and numerous connective points were improperly constructed. The Corps chose the wrong standard project hurricane, therefore designing for too weak a storm and the Corps used a margin of safety appropriate for cattle, not people and their property. The Corps has also not admitted that the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) played a role in the flooding by contributing to the death of buffering cypress forests and contributing to “funneling” of the storm surge into the heart of the city via the Industrial Canal.

Click here to watch our new video on YouTube.

Sandy Rosenthal

One response to “Corps denies blame in New Orleans levee failures”

  1. GentillyGirl says:

    In light of the ASCE’s demand for you to remove this video, I’m offering to host it via my systems.

    The kids are spot on with this satire, and I wish to keep the video alive.

    Just let me know and I’ll open the cyber gates.

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