Harry Shearer joins Levees.Org in national levee safety campaign

At ground zero in the Lower Ninth Ward, Levees.Org will launch a public service website and campaign to promote awareness that communities all across America are at risk of flooding.

On Friday, July 18 at 10:30am actor/producer Harry Shearer (The Simpsons and Spinal Tap) will join Levees.Org, its supporters, and residents of the metro community for a photo shoot while sporting the new t-shirts.

Click here for map and sign up sheet!

As a public service, Levees.Org has created a searchable data base so citizens anywhere can find out if they’re at risk of flooding by going to AreWeAtRisk.org and entering their zip code.

After levees crumbled and breached during Hurricane Katrina, Congress ordered the US Army Corps of Engineers to inspect levees across the United States. In February 2007, the Corps released a list of 122 levees in 28 states that it believes are at risk of failing.

Stanford Rosenthal, 18 webmaster for Levees.Org wrote a program that converted the Corps of Engineers’ list of at-risk levees into a simple searchable data base.

T-shirts can be purchased on location Friday morning for $20. Citizens are welcome and encouraged to purchase their t-shirt in advance by visiting Dirty Coast, 5704 Magazine Street, Mon-Sat 11-6 (next to Whole Foods).

The t-shirt theme, that many are “in the same boat as New Orleans” is a cooperative venture. After the official launch and photo shoot on Friday, t-shirts will be priced at $25 and Levees.Org will get $5 for each t-shirt Dirty Coast sells. Tees will be available online by 5pm Saturday CST.

Click here for map and sign up sheet!

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

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