NEWS: Rotten to the Corps

Please copy and paste this URL into your web browser to read the complete article.

“If an unsafe building collapsed and killed 1,000 people, we wouldn t blame the buildings manager, even if he bungled his evacuation plan, or its maintenance crew, even if they had shirked their jobs before the disaster, or the rescue squad, even if it was terribly slow to respond. We wouldn t shrug and blame Mother Nature. And we certainly wouldnt blame the victims — especially if they had been assured the building was safe.

We would blame the architects and engineers who produced the unsafe building. And we might ask some tough questions about the way our buildings get produced.

Apparently its different with unsafe levees. Otherwise, the fingers of an outraged nation would point directly at the Army Corps of Engineers, the agency that drowned New Orleans a year ago. And the Hurricane Katrina anniversary coverage would focus on Americas dysfunctional system of funding water projects, a system owned and operated by shameless porkers in Congress and their environmentally destructive servants at the Corps.”

Check out the link noted above if you want to read more of this article by Michael Grunwald, a Washington Post reporter.

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