Corps denies role in levee failures

In a recent USA Today article, the Army Corps of Engineers is “crawfishing.” That’s what a Louisiana crawfish does when it meets a foe – raises its little claws in defiance and walks backwards.

In this article, the Corps is repeating their mantra that “they’re not responsible for the levees” in New Orleans that crumbled and collapsed in 53 different places, flooding 80% of the City with water.

Corps spokesperson, Vic Harris told USA Today,

“…The corps contends that the levees were not solely its responsibility and that the shipping channel it designed did not worsen Katrina’s punch….”

So lame. That the Corps of Engineers is responsible for the levees is federal law and is not disputed. In 1965, Congress mandated that the role of designing and building the levees shall go to the US Army Corps of Engineers. The local role would be maintenance. This is public record. See it for yourself here in GAO Testimony before Senate EPW Committee on November 9, 2005.

One by one, Americans are realizing that the federal levees in New Orleans were grossly inadequate. One by one, people everywhere are seeing that the survivors of New Orleans were misled and “sold a bill of goods” by the federal government.

There are levees in every state of the nation. Are you as safe as you think you are? Go to and find out.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

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