Jim Amoss gets a hard copy

Updated June 30, 2014.

Sandy Rosenthal of Levees.org hand-delivers a letter to Jim Amoss, Editor in Chief of New Orleans Times Picayune because Amoss has not responded to her email sent 3 weeks prior.

Sandy Rosenthal of Levees.org hand-delivers a letter to Jim Amoss, Editor in Chief of New Orleans Times Picayune. Photo/Stanford Rosenthal

We, the citizens have a right to know the full extent to which people at the Corps of Engineers New Orleans district have been hiding their identities and using taxpayer funded equipment to viciously attack citizen critics.

We simply want to know if what Jon Donley said in his sworn affidavit was true. Is this merely a case of a few bad apples? Or a deception campaign being waged by a contractor working for the Corps – or worse?

So we urged the citizenry of greater New Orleans to write to the Times Picayune, the only entity that can answer our questions. The only entity with the tools to find out the truth.

And the Times Picayune’s leader, Jim Amoss, has not responded to our request.

So today, I drove to 3800 Howard Avenue and – with my son Stanford to video document it – hand delivered a hard copy letter to Mr. Amoss.

Maybe now Mr. Amoss will respond.

Click here for the video.

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On Garland: Hear former Nola.com editor on why he spoke out

Updated June 30, 2014.

HJ Bosworth Jr.

HJ Bosworth Jr. Photo/Stanford Rosenthal. Aug 6, 2008

Hear Founder and former editor of Nola.com Jon Donley on why he came forward with a sworn affidavit.

Hear how, for over 2 years, he observed a cadre of about 20 user names posting abusive comments on Nola.com about any articles or people who criticized the Army Corps of Engineers.

Also joining Garland will be HJ Bosworth Jr, research director for Levees.org (pictured above).

Click here for the podcast:

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Call Sen Landrieu 589-2427 & urge a Justice Dept investigation of Corps

Senator Mary Landrieu the Netherlands.  Photo by Sandy Rosenthal - May 26, 2009

Senator Mary Landrieu the Netherlands. Photo by Sandy Rosenthal - May 26, 2009

Today is Phone-In Day to Senator Landrieu!

We’re asking Louisiana residents to pick up the phone and dial 504-589-2427. When the aide answers, please say this:

“I am a Louisiana resident and I would like to leave a message for the Senator. Thank you for calling on the Pentagon to investigate reports of the Corp of Engineers’ engagement in a campaign to attack its critics. However, I also believe this activity should be reviewed by the Justice Department.”

For those who prefer email, we suggest using this form to write directly to the Senator.



Note from the Founder:

“Levees.org is pleased that Senator Mary Landrieu will call on the DOD to investigate the Corps on what she described as a ‘disingenuous campaign to undercut their critics in Louisiana.’ The citizens of metro New Orleans deserve to know the full extent of this unethical behavior, and we do hope the Senator keeps her word. But we also stress that a more thorough effort must be launched looking at this activity as a whole.”

Click here to see a critical piece of information, the sworn affidavit by the Founder and former Editor in Chief of Nola.com. This validates Levees.org’s suspicions that began with our discovery in late 2008, when we traced insulting comments to the Corps of Engineers’ computers in New Orleans.

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