Words Whispered in Water earns introduction from Tulane University’s Mark S Davis

Mark S. Davis, photo courtesy of Tulane University

The Director of Tulane University’s Institute on Water Resources Law & Policy has written a wonderful introduction to founder Sandy Rosenthal’s debut book Words Whispered in Water; Why the Levees Broke in Hurricane Katrina. 

The introduction, written by Mark S. Davis, is featured in Water Alternatives.

Here are some excerpts from the introduction:

“…Rosenthal points out, if we move on before actually learning and applying the lessons taught in tragedy’s classroom, then we do ourselves and those who come after us a grave disservice. …. Her path to becoming an influential citizen investigator is an important part of this story since how well and how safely we live is ultimately a matter of how much responsibility we take for making our communities work….”

Rosenthal’s book, the recipient of three awards is published by Mango in August 2020.

For the full review posted to Water Alternatives, click here.

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Words Whispered gets high marks from Columbia University Water Center

Founder Sandy Rosenthal is pleased to learn that her debut book Words Whispered in Water: Why the Levees Broke in Hurricane Katrina received high marks from the Columbia Water Center based at Columbia University.

Core research and staff associate Paulina Concha Larrauri wrote a Technical Review of the book.

Here are some excerpts:

“…[S]hows how an individual has the power to change big government agencies that may seem invincible…. Her drive is remarkable and it is impressive how she became so knowledgeable about all the intricacies that led to the failure of the levees….I agree that the contracting and peer review processes within USACE had to change, and that the responsibilities between the federal and local agencies had to clarified. Sandy does a great job showing why…. Words Whispered in Water proofs how the voice of concerned individuals can change the status quo, and potentially save many lives by kindling the structural changes that are needed to better protect society.”

Rosenthal’s debut book is published by Mango Media in August 2020.

For the full review on Research Gate, click here.



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Book Discussion by DISCOURSE: Words Whispered in Water

Recently, Sandy Rosenthal’s debut book Words Whispered in Water was reviewed by Discourse, an online video book reviewer.

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