See video of Rally at LSU to protest firing scientist (55 sec)

We organized this rally to give citizens a voice to protest the downsizing of LSU Hurricane Center and the firing of key personnel including Dr. Ivor Van Heerden. The Rally was 10am Thursday morning April 16 at LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans.

Click here to see a short video shot and edited by Stanford Rosenthal, my son and webmaster for

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Rally to protest downsizing of LSU Hurricane Center

In response to public outrage over Louisiana State University’s decision to fire hurricane expert Ivor van Heerden, is holding a rally at LSU’s Health Sciences Center in downtown New Orleans.

10am Thursday April 16
In front of the Ische Library at LSU Health Science Center
433 Bolivar Street – one half block off Tulane Avenue

Three blocks uptown side of Claiborne Ave.

Dr. van Heerden led a team of independent geotechnical engineers who investigated the levee failures in metro New Orleans after Katrina. Van Heerden was openly critical about the design and construction mistakes by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Observers believe that has caused LSU officials to worry that federal funding was put in jeopardy.

For more on LSU Chancellor Michael Martin’s decision to downsize the Hurricane Center and fire key personnel, see this piece in today’s Times Picayune by staff writer Bob Marshall.

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Rally at LSU in N.O. to protest firing of hurricane expert!

In response to public outrage over Louisiana State University’s decision to fire hurricane expert Ivor van Heerden, is announcing a rally at LSU’s Health Sciences Center in downtown New Orleans.

10am Thursday April 16
In front of the Ische Library at LSU Health Science Center
433 Bolivar Street – one half block off Tulane Avenue

Dr. van Heerden led a team of independent geotechnical engineers who investigated the levee failures in metro New Orleans after Katrina. Van Heerden was openly critical about the design and construction mistakes by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Observers believe that has caused LSU officials to worry that federal funding was put in jeopardy.

Since our phones are ringing off the hook and our email boxes are filled with messages from people who are angry, we have decided to respond with a rally so people can be heard. People want to do something to protest LSU’s action.

For a very good summary on the how and why of Dr. van Heerdens getting canned by LSU, please see this article in today’s Times Picayune by staff writer Bob Marshal.

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