PRESS CONFERENCE Wed Apr 8 at 11:30am Lakeview Harbor Restaurant

When: Wed Apr 8, 2009 at 11:30am
Where: Lakeview Harbor Restaurant, 911 Harrison Ave, New Orleans
Why: Announcement and revelation of new information

Eighteen months ago, Dr. Ray Seed, co-chair of the Independent Levee Investigation Team filed a 42-page ethics complaint against members of the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE). He detailed a sordid tale – an early intentional plan by the Corps of Engineers to hide their mistakes in the New Orleans flooding after Katrina and to intimidate anyone who tried to intervene.

All of this was done with the help and the complicity of some at the ASCE, according to Dr. Seed.

In response, the ASCE formed an internal committee to look into Dr. Seed’s allegations.  Those results were released yesterday, and no ethics charges were leveled at any of the executives Dr. Seed cited.

At our press conference, we will respond to this news. We will also present never before disclosed information. We will explain at the press event why we have not released this information sooner.

Thank you,
Sandy Rosenthal


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Whistle-blowers say disasters from storms can be avoided (Part 6)

Read about how, after the failure of the US Army Corps of Engineers levees in Katrina’s storm surge, those who spoke out against the corruption and poor management of the greater New Orleans levee system were silenced.

Click here for the article on Digital Journal.

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Stephanie Grace: Katrina victims aren’t all scam artists

Today, New Orleans columnist Stephanie Grace, in thanking college spring break volunteers who are heading in this direction, said this:

“…we work hard to remind people that the vast majority of the Katrina victims aren’t scam artists. They’re just regular people whose only sin was thinking that the federal government’s levees wouldn’t disintegrate…”

To help people understand this, to educate people on exactly this is indeed a goal of Yes, our only sin was believing we were safe from levee failure. In fact, the term “levee breach” was not even coined until after August 29, 2005. It was so new and unheard of that most people misspelled it.

But in New Orleans the reporters, journalists and columnists certainly get it. One day soon, all of America will.

Click here to demand the 8/29 Investigation Act.

Click here for Ms. Grace’s column.

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