ASCE members challenged to give medals back

Citing breach of ethics, challenged 16 people who received medals from the Army Corps of Engineers for their role investigating the deadly levee failures to give them back.

Sixteen members
of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) received the Outstanding Civilian Service medal for their participation peer reviewing the corps-sponsored levee investigation a whopping 18 months before their work was complete. The corps also paid them $2 million.

An task force examining ASCE-led engineering reviews also criticized such behavior because it reduced the credibility of the final product. Bolstered by the task force’s findings, asked the ASCE members to do the right thing and give their medals back.

A member of the External Review Panel tasked to assure engineering quality and independence of IPET refused to comment until he checked with ASCE headquarters. Robert Gilbert, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Texas said, “I have a contract with ASCE and that contract says I have to go through ASCE for media requests.”

This is a perfect example of what the Task Force called “extremely tight controls” placed on assessment team members with regard to interaction with the press.

The Medals Challenge is part of our ongoing illumination of reasons why America needs the 8/29 Investigation Act. When passed, the Investigation will likely be uncomfortable for some. It will ask hard questions. But the Wall Street Bailout shows what terrible things can happen when the hard questions are not asked.

Look for me and HJ Bosworth Jr.’s research director on Dennis Woltering’s Sunday Morning Show, WWL-TV Channel 4 at 10:30a October 5. We will discuss the Medals Challenge.

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Integrity of Corps of Engineers levee study questioned

A panel led by retired U.S. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, R-NY has dealt a harsh blow to the credibility of the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force (IPET) convened in New Orleans after Katrina by the Army Corps of Engineers.

Rep. Boehlert’s panel looked at the way the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) takes part in post disaster engineering investigations and peer reviews including the IPET.

The Boehlert Report recommends that from now on, the funding for peer reviews over $1 million come from a separate source, that the ASCE Headquarters should facilitate but not control the assessment teams, and that dissemination of information to the public and press not be under extreme controls.

What does it mean for American citizens?

It means Congressman Sherwood Boehlert has done everyone in America a favor. It means anyone in America who depends on any engineered structure can sleep better, be it a building, bridge or levee. 

And it means that the need for the 8/29 Investigation is now as clear as glass. Because all of the things the task force soundly criticized were abundantly evident in the ASCE’s peer review of the corps-sponsored IPET.

Click here for the Times Picayune article.

Click here for the Boehlert Report.

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Media blames New Orleanians for our hardships – again

Updated June 29, 2014.

For me, during the ordeal of Gustav, lots of things were hard. Like packing for an evacuation, traveling in traffic jams, and hunkering down during a hurricane.

But for me, the hardest thing of all was watching the media–yet again–blame us, the citizens of New Orleans for the difficulties and hardships we were going through. And the winner is The Boston Globe. An article by the Globe starts with these few sentences:

Hurricane Katrina brought shame upon a fabled American city – and the nation. The infirm were abandoned. The lawless ran rampant. And vital government functions, most notably the protective network of levees, failed miserably.…”

The article was chock full of the myths and misinformation that New Orleans citizens have been working for three years to dispel. And it’s the reason we at created our latest video “The Katrina Myth.”

If you haven’t yet, please click the link, watch the short video and rate it. It’s got a top rating on YouTube, but we need to keep it there! Your action is important. Then forward to your fam and friends!

Thanks for your help!

Sandy Rosenthal

Click here for the Boston Globe article.

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