The US Flood Epidemic: Nature or failing infrastructure?

The flooding in Cedar Rapids, Iowa over 700 feet above sea level, has been accurately compared to the flooding in New Orleans when levees breached during Katrina.

Also mirroring New Orleans is a Wisconsin town 1100 feet above sea level when an embankment of Lake Delton breached last week and emptied the lake into the nearby Wisconsin River. Add this to the January midnight levee breach in Fernley, Nevada, 4200 feet above sea level and a scenario is emerging that suggests levee failure and flooding is not just a New Orleans problem.

Founded after Katrina, Levees.Org has campaigned to educate the nation that what happened in New Orleans is a case of federally directed civil engineering failures, not a simple case of a natural disaster. We contend that the flooding during the August 2005 storm could have been avoided had levees been 2 feet higher and built to withstand a few hours of water overtopping them.

Responsibility for the design and construction of levees in New Orleans like most important levees in America belongs to the US Army Corps of Engineers. Levees.Org claims that what happened in New Orleans could happen anywhere, but this problem is not being addressed.

There are more people in the state of California in danger of catastrophic levee failure than in the states of Texas, Louisiana and Florida combined.

So we have been clamouring for the 8/29 Investigation. Senate Bill 2826 filed by Senator Mary Landrieu D-LA is needed because the organization responsible for the levees, the US Army Corps of Engineers sponsored the original investigation as to why the levees failed, a conflict of interest.

Click here to write your members of Congress and demand the 8/29 Investigation.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

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Levee video springs to top of YouTube charts

Levees.Org recently launched another very successful YouTube campaign. In the first 24 hours, our new video won 5 honors and went straight to the Home Page of YouTube where it gets very high visibility.

Click here to keep our video at the TOP of the YouTube charts!

Want to do more? Register at YouTube. That way you can rate, comment on and “favorite” the video. That will keep it on the homepage of YouTube where it may be viewed by millions!

Click here to register with YouTube.

Thank you!
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

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Metro New Orleans residents say “No” to levees they can’t trust

Metro New Orleans came together today for a Day of Action, united in a single message. We said “No” to flood protection we cannot trust, and “Yes” to the 8/29 Investigation.

Citizens and volunteers gathered at Hot Spots, three busy intersections in each of the three “polders” or basins that flooded due to the failure of the federally built levees designed and built by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Citizens waved signs, handed out leaflets, and called for the 8/29 Investigation, a truly independent and complete investigation of the flood protection failures on August 29, 2005.

The board of Levees.Org is pleased with the turn-out at all three locations. The Hot Spots were in eastern New Orleans, Lakeview New Orleans and Chalmette in St. Bernard Parish.

If you haven’t yet, please click here and demand the 8/29 Investigation!

Thank you,
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder of Levees.Org

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