NEWS: TIME Magazine, Aug 13, 2007: Why New Orleans Still Isn’t Safe

Check out the complete article by Michael Grunwald in this Aug 13, 2007 issue of TIME Magazine. The cover photo is worth a thousand words.

“Two years after Katrina, this floodwall is all that stands between New Orleans and the next hurricane. It’s pathetic. How a perfect storm of big-money politis, shoddy engineering and environmental ignorance is setting up the city for another catastrophe.”

Some websites for your perusal:

“The storm was not the tragedy. The tragedy was how unprepared we were – and how we still have not learned the lessons of Katrina.” Richard Stengel, Managing Editor, TIME

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TIME magazine tells real New Orleans story

A decorated senior reporter with TIME magazine has connected the dots and told the whole story about what happened in New Orleans and south Louisiana on August 29, two years ago.

Michael Grunwald also nicely summarizes everything in the first paragraph.

“The most important thing to remember about the drowning of New Orleans is that it wasn’t a natural disaster. It was a man-made disaster, created by lousy engineering, misplaced priorities and pork-barrel politics. Katrina was not the Category 5 killer the Big Easy had always feared; it was a Category 3 storm that missed New Orleans, where it was at worst a weak 2. The city’s defenses should have withstood its surges, and if they had we never would have seen the squalor in the Superdome, the desperation on the rooftops, the shocking tableau of the Mardi Gras city underwater for weeks. We never would have heard the comment “Heckuva job, Brownie.” The Federal Emergency Management Agency (fema) was the scapegoat, but the real culprit was the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which bungled the levees that formed the city’s man-made defenses and ravaged the wetlands that once formed its natural defenses. Americans were outraged by the government’s response, but they still haven’t come to grips with the government’s responsibility for the catastrophe.”

Sure, many think they know the whole Flood Story, but they really don’t. When something as terrible as the destruction of a major city happens, it’s because lots of things went wrong, and Grunwald does a pretty good job of telling the complete story.

What happened in New Orleans could happen anywhere. Please go to, your source for flood protection information everywhere, and join us.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

Click here for the article in TIME.

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New report by Corps: Who Flooded New Orleans?

The Hurricane Protection Decision Chronology, a report financed by the US Army Corps of Engineers was released this week detailing all the decisions leading to the flimsy flood protection that New Orleans depended on when Katrina came ashore. The Chronology report proves yet again that the citizens of New Orleans and the nation’s taxpayers deserve the 8/29 Commission, the brainchild of Levees.Org. Here’s why:

1. The Corps of Engineers financed this study. Since the Corps is the sole agency responsible for the design and the construction of the Greater New Orleans’ flood protection, this means the Corps was intimately involved in the investigation of their own work. If you investigate yourself, what do you think you’re going to find?

2. The Corps’ press release stated that the Corps of Engineers was allowed to review the report before it was released for “errors in logic!” You call that independent?

3. Most interesting to me is a sub-report “Local Sponsor Roles” which apparently had been withheld since August 2006, had conclusions which contradicted the main report (found on the last page of Appendix E). The report on Local Sponsor Roles wasn’t nearly so critical of the historic Orleans Levee District as the main report. And besides, why had the report been withheld until now?

The citizens of Louisiana and the nation deserve better. Please click on this link and send a letter to your Members of Congress demanding the 8/29 Commission, an independent analysis of the flood protection failures in Greater New Orleans.

Sandy Rosenthal

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