NEWS: Did you know…

Katrina Fact Sheet from this year:

850,791 – Number of housing units damaged, destroyed or inaccessible because of Katrina

900 – Approx. number of churches, synagogues and mosques damaged or destroyed by Katrina

83Percentage of New Orleans schools damaged by Katrina

100 – Number of destroyed miles on US Hwy 90 running along Gulf Coast between New Orleans and Pascagoula MS

“Eighty percent of New Orleans flooded as a result of this engineering disaster and the majority of the city was uninhabitable for months. The infrastructure of this national treasure was so devastated that, over one year later, there are still neighborhoods without city services…The immense scope of this disaster affects every aspect of daily life.”

Think about that, California. There, but for the Grace of God and the Corps of Engineers, goes us…

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NEWS: Yard Signs Available

For all of the CA chapter members who live in the Bay Area/Silicon Valley, I now have a supply of yard signs available for pick up from my home in San Jose. You can check the website to see whast the yard signs look like – of course, they are distinctive with our signature green logo on white background. Send me an email for more information or to come by and pick up one or several. Happy New Year!

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To the Corps: Do it right this time

December 21, 2006

Suppose you hired a contractor to renovate your house and upon completion you discover he did a really bad job.  

Then suppose you gave that same contractor MORE money, told him to do it RIGHT this time, but now you want the contractor to REALLY RUSH the job.

Would you ever do that?  Of course not; no sane person would take that risk.  But that is just what our 109th Congress did with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the flood protection system of metro New Orleans.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

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