NEWS: Tempting fate: Are we next?

IS SACRAMENTO NEXT? “In cities across the nation, rivers, streams, lakes, creeks and seas have made their sinister mark, inflicting damage and heartache when they flood.

“There is, however, no major city in America more at risk of a catastrophic New Orleans-style flood than Sacramento.”


Please copy and paste the URL noted above into your browser to read this very important article – SACRAMENTO, Northern and Southern California: this affects all of us!

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NEWS: Levees to get a wave of cash

Passage of $4.1 billion state flood bond will boost repairs, safety.

“The levee system crisscrossing Sacramento and the Central Valley received the biggest financial boost in its long and rickety history when California voters said yes to a $4.1 billion bond measure to strengthen flood control.

“The huge infusion of cash should go a long way toward providing more safety to people living behind levees, including residents of Natomas, West Sacramento, the Greenhaven-Pocket neighborhood and other areas of the Sacramento region.”

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24 Critical Levee Sites On Fast Track for Repairs


“State and federal officials say they want to begin repairs on 24 critical erosion sites on levees around Sacramento Valley. They don’t want to wait until January — the middle of the rainy season — to do the work.

“Inspector Dennis Bercsa pointed to an erosion site on a levee along the Bear River. He said, “This gets wet and it will slough and it will go away. You can just touch it and it falls away.”

Please copy and paste the link above to read more of this informative and important article. 

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