POP: A Touch of Louisiana in Alameda

Because some of us in CA need that hometown Cajun/Zydeco taste occasionally, I want to share this information. Enjoy and laissez les bon temps roulez… ya ll know what that means, right?

West Coast Cajun/Zydeco
Music & Dance Association
Eagles Hall  2305  Alameda Ave.
Alameda, Ca.  “Upstairs”

Greetings from Louisiana

Hope this finds all of you well and ready to DANCE!
Dances every Friday night
Lessons 8 PM   Music 9-12:30

Some Upcoming events
Friday October 27   Zydeco Flames and our Fabulous
        Halloween Party Costume contest with cash prizes $13

Dance Your Turkey Off  November 24 & 25  bands to be announced

New Years Zydeco Blast 2006-2007
Return to Planet Zydeco
Friday  December 29   Zydeco Flames  9-12:30  $13
Saturday December 30  Andre Thierry & Zydeco Magic  8-12 $13
Sunday December  31 Brian Jack & Zydeco Gamblers  9-1 A.M.
$35 per person includes foods all night and party favors
The ONLY way to end 2006 and start 2007 is at the
Eagles Hall on PLANET ZYDECO

Hope to see you on the dance floor
Louisiana Sue

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NEWS: More Damaged Levee Areas Identified

State and federal officials have identified at least 71 more damaged levee sections throughout the Central Valley that could fail this winter, and in an unusual step they plan to undertake repairs lasting well into the worst of the rainy season.

Levee experts normally seek to complete repairs by Nov. 1, the official start of flood season, because working in winter adds risks and complications. Swelling rivers can put repair areas under water, and saturated levees may become unstable under heavy truck traffic.

But the 71 new sites have the potential to fail without attention, so repairs are considered urgent. Many protect populated areas, including Clarksburg, Isleton, Plumas Lake and Chico. Others protect vital roads and utilities.

”From a construction standpoint, it s going to be extremely challenging,” said Mike Inamine, chief of levee repairs at the California Department of Water Resources. ”In the event that we can t get to all of these sites, we re making provisions with the Army Corps and our own forces to get ready to fight floods at these critical sites.”

Adding to the challenges, an El Niño weather pattern is in place this winter.”

Check out the complete article for more information.

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NEWS: CA Newest Levees on Brink of Collapse


CBS 5) Dozens of new levee sections in Northern and Central California are so weak, they may be on the brink of crumbling and could fail this winter, inspectors said.

The levees in question are some of the most important flood control barriers in the Central Valley and the Delta. Crews are only now getting to repairs because the swollen rivers from last Aprils heavy rains did not recede for months.

“The storms came fairly late in the season, and what happened is a lot of the damage remained hidden from inspectors until late in June,” said Mike Inamine, chief of levee repairs for the California Department of Water Resources.

State and federal officials have mapped out 49 locations where levees could fail this winter. They begin as far north as Chico, wind their way through the islands of the Delta, and continue as far south as Fresno and Madera counties. Delta towns like Clarksburg, Isleton and Rio Vista sit precariously close to these hot spots. But Chico and Plumas Lake are also at risk, not to mention the roads, utility and fiber-optic lines that run through and over the levees.

“This is serious,” said Jeff Hawk, with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “We re taking it seriously. Our state partners are taking it seriously.”

You can read the entire article by using the link above to access in full.

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