NEWS: Levee Woes Pile Up

“State and federal officials have identified at least 71 more damaged levee sections throughout the Central Valley that could fail this winter, and in an unusual step they plan to undertake repairs lasting well into the worst of the rainy season.

Levee experts normally seek to complete repairs by Nov. 1, the official start of flood season, because working in winter adds risks and complications. Swelling rivers can put repair areas under water, and saturated levees may become unstable under heavy truck traffic.

But the 71 new sites have the potential to fail without attention, so repairs are considered urgent. Many protect populated areas, including Clarksburg, Isleton, Plumas Lake and Chico. Others protect vital roads and utilities.”

You can access the entire article with the link noted above for more information.

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NEWS: GOVT Testing Levees near Yuba City

YUBA CITY, Calif. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is testing the levee system near Yuba City to see which parts are weakest.

Nearly 70 miles of levees meant to protect parts of the city and elsewhere in Sutter County do not meet federal standards.

Sutter County recently made $55 million in improvements, but the government raised the bar for safety after levees broke in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.”

Check out the complete article for more information.

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NEWS: Feinstein Urges President to Fund CA Levee Repairs

Please copy and paste into your URL browser to view the entire letter/article.

“U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today sent a letter to President George W. Bush requesting that flood control improvements in the Sacramento area – including vital repairs to the areas levee system – be fully funded in the Presidents FY 2008 budget.

“The region dodged a bullet this past winter, when the run-off from heavy winter storms – which led to a federal disaster declaration in thirty-one Northern and Central California Counties – resulted in dangerous erosion to the regions levees,” Senator Feinstein wrote. “It is my strong belief that those of us in positions of public trust must act when confronted with an imminent threat to those we serve.”

The following is the text of Senator Feinsteins letter to President Bush:

Dear Mr. President:

I write to request that your Fiscal Year 2008 Budget fully fund the Army Corps of Engineers capacity to construct vital flood control improvements in the Sacramento area at $113.5 million. As you know, this is an issue of critical importance to me, to my State, and to the people who live and work in the region.”

Check out the complete article/letter to view the rest of this letter from Diane Feinstein to the President of the US.

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