NEWS: Corps Watchdogs are Branching Out

“Its not surprising that New Orleans is home to Levees.Org, a nonprofit advocacy group established to act as a watchdog over the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The work of the corps came under intense criticism after the New Orleans levee breaks prompted by Hurricane Katrina.

What is perhaps more interesting is that Levees.Org is opening satellite offices in Florida and California.

The Corps of Engineers has completed many projects in Florida and California, with many more under construction,” said Sandy Rosenthal, founder and director of Levees.Org. “However, there is no external independent panel to monitor corps activities and make it accountable. Thats where Levees.Org comes in. We ve seen what happens when no one is watching. We don t want these two states to experience some of the things we ve seen in Louisiana due to corps design mistakes.”

Check out the entire article for more information.

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NEWS: Campaign 2006 Prop 1E

“For Yuba City Councilwoman Karen Cartoscelli, the most important bond on the November ballot is Proposition 1E, a $4.1 billion bond measure that would help repair and reinforce Californias 6,000 miles of crumbling Central Valley levees.

Cartoscelli was Yuba City’s mayor in 1997, when harsh winter storms drove the Feather River to dangerous heights, forcing the evacuation of 50,000 residents of the Sutter County city and Marysville (Yuba County) on the other side of the river.

Yuba City, which was inundated in a 1955 flood, escaped harm in 1997, but a levee break flooded towns on the other side of the Feather.”

Check out the complete article for more information.

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Pop: KCs chapter posting format

Greetings, CA chapter members!

Just to lay the foundation for the postings you are going to find on this blog, I will be noting in the Title Lines (NEWS) for the important pieces of new information, or (POP) for my personal opinions, rants and ravings. I can tell you that I have learned a lot in the last 2-3 months regarding similarities and differences in the CA and LA levee systems. I have even found myself exploring and surfing Sacto and governmental policy sites for information and stories related to this issue.  If you have not read a book called A Dangerous California by Mark Reisner ?, I would suggest you go to your local library and check it out to get a better picture of why the Delta area levees are of critical importance to the entire state of California. You may find yourself asking questions and wondering about Corps of Engineers and their role in the levee systems across the US. Like, how did that happen? Take care til next time, KC

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