The Big Lie and How it All Started; 1st of 4 Excerpts from Words Whispered in Water by founder Sandy Rosenthal founder Sandy Rosenthal has released the first of four excerpts from her debut book, Words Whispered in Water: Why the Levees Broke in Hurricane Katrina (Mango Publishing, August 2020).

The excerpt is called The Big Lie and How it All Started. It comes from Chapter 2; The Flood.


In Washington, DC, (September 28, 2005) the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development hosted a hearing on the costs associated with the August 2005 flood.[i] Members of Congress, who were responsible for how much aid the people of Greater New Orleans would receive, needed accurate information.

Anu Mittal, Director of Natural Resources and Environment, testified on why the levees were still not complete when storm surge arrived. She read from a script, which she later destroyed, and which bore little resemblance to the General Accounting Office (GAO) report she had submitted that day. Here is the key excerpt:

“… After the (levee) project was authorized in 1965, the Corps started building the barrier plan … parts of the project faced significant opposition from local sponsors and they did not provide the rights of way that the corps needed to build the project on schedule. But most importantly there were serious concerns relating to environmental impacts of the control barriers that were supposed to be constructed … on the tidal passages to the lake. This ultimately resulted in a legal challenge and in 1977, the courts enjoined the corps from constructing the barrier complexes. …” [Emphasis added.][ii]

The effect of the testimony was lethal.

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New cover design for “Words Whispered” unveiled today

Jacket cover

Recently, Mango Publishing reached out to us with a request.

Mango’s sales reps were “really into” founder Sandy Rosenthal’s upcoming book and wanted a jacket that would “really sing.”

So we tapped local artist and photographer Michael Styborski who created an eye-catching look. Styborski selected a photograph that he took in the Lower Ninth Ward after the Army Corps of Engineers’ levees broke.

In his words: “Perhaps a blue caste or overlay on a shot for a symbolic representation? And maybe use a negative that demands attention?”

We think the new cover graphic conveys the striking effect of dark menacing unbridled waters––under a blue sky.

What better way to say, it was the levees, not Mother Nature?

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How it all began:’s Flooded House Museum

Four years ago, purchased the last remaining house at the site of a major levee breach that had not yet been torn down or renovated.

That house was 4918 Warrington Drive, just a stone’s throw from the London Avenue Canal breach site.

We wanted to create a museum to commemorate and memorialize the flooding of August 29, 2005 caused by the Army Corps of Engineers’ poorly engineered levees.

But faced a challenge. We needed permission from the City of New Orleans to convert the residential family home into a cultural monument for visitors.

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