Tag Archives: new orleans
Chicago museum agrees to correct Hurricane Katrina exhibit
At Levees.org’s request, a major museum has agreed to make several corrections to its Hurricane Katrina exhibit. This agreement comes after months of discussion with representatives of the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History. We began the dialog because we were concerned about some of the exhibit’s so-called “facts.” For example, originally, the exhibit contained […]
Could better inspections have saved New Orleans during Katrina?
The Greater New Orleans urban flood protection system has no peer. On a scale of one to ten, if the GNO system were a ten, the next closest – Cape Girardeau, Missouri – would be a three. And appropriately, for a system of this scope, each project in the $14.5 billion GNO system has – […]
Facts to Keep Handy as Flood Anniversary Nears
Here’s the facts: Myth Busters of the Federal Flood You’ll need them to be ready for the anniversary of the worst Civil Engineering Disaster in our nation’s history. For example, did you know that half of New Orleans is at or well above sea level? And that the Army Corps of Engineers has never accepted responsibility […]