Tag Archives: new orleans
Storycorps releases podcast featuring Sandy and Stanford Rosenthal
In this podcast created by Storycorps for the New Orleans Tricentennial, Stanford Rosenthal and his mother talk about the icons of New Orleans culture as well as the investigative project––Levees.org––and Stanford’s critical role in co-founding it. Storycorps is an independently funded nonprofit organization whose mission is to “preserve and share humanity’s stories in order […]
Words Whispered in Water is selected by Publishers Weekly
Founder Rosenthal’s book was selected by Publishers Weekly in its semi-annual list of titles in Politics & Current Events. Being selected by Publishers Weekly means the book is considered important and needs to be included in all libraries. The book––coming out August 11 in paperback––is published by the Florida-based Mango Publishing. Here is what Publishers […]
The Big Lie and How it All Started; 1st of 4 Excerpts from Words Whispered in Water by founder Sandy Rosenthal
Levees.org founder Sandy Rosenthal has released the first of four excerpts from her debut book, Words Whispered in Water: Why the Levees Broke in Hurricane Katrina (Mango Publishing, August 2020). The excerpt is called The Big Lie and How it All Started. It comes from Chapter 2; The Flood. ———— In Washington, DC, (September 28, 2005) […]