Jefferson Parish joins call for new investigation of levees

The Jefferson Parish Council recently unanimously passed Resolution No. 109488 supporting the 8/29 Investigation Act. By doing so, Jefferson Parish joins St. Tammany, St. Bernard and New Orleans City Council in a show of unity that will be enormously significant when Congress decides if this legislation is worthy of passage.

Here’s an excerpt from Councilwoman Jennifer Sneed’s introduction of me at the Council public meeting on February 13, 2008:

“…Armed with our Resolution, Mrs. Rosenthal will continue Levee.Org’s campaign for the passage of the August 29 Investigation, an independent, bipartisan analysis modeled after the 9/11 Commission that would examine the flood-protection failures in New Orleans.”

After my presentation, Councilman at Large Tom Capella spoke on the record and publicly criticized me and Levees.Org for our adorable little student-made video spoofing the corps’ investigation of their own work as well as the corps’ overly close relationship with the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Sandy Rosenthal

Write your members of Congress demanding the 8/29 Investigation Act.

Click here to see the cute 64-second video.

One response to “Jefferson Parish joins call for new investigation of levees”

  1. Christian Mounger says:

    Thanks for keep us informed about the Corps; excellent video today.

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