Councilman Fielkow to Blakely: despite worst man-made disaster in country, New Orleans has bright future

New Orleans, LA – Below is a statement from New Orleans City Council President Arnie Fielkow issued on Nov. 3 regarding the comments by former New Orleans Recovery Chief, Dr. Ed Blakely to a West Coast online television station.

“I find the recent public comments made by former New Orleans Recovery Chief, Dr. Ed Blakely (to CALTV, the University of California-Berkeley’s online television station) to be highly offensive, divisive, unprofessional and factually erroneous,” said Fielkow. “Contrary to Dr. Blakely’s opinions, I find New Orleanians to be among the most determined and resilient people I have ever encountered.

“Despite our personal and professional travails following the worst man-made disaster this country has ever experienced, New Orleanians to this day continue to persevere, to work hard and to undertake reforms so as to make this an even better community than it was before Katrina. It is a slap in the face to all of us who stayed and invested, as well as to the thousands of newcomers who now call New Orleans home post-Katrina, to suggest that New Orleans citizenry are lazy, unsophisticated or expect others to do the job. Contrary to Dr. Blakely’s statements, it is precisely because of the indomitable spirit and will of New Orleanians that I believe our great city has an incredibly bright future and, if we stay unified, the potential to again evolve into one of the world’s great cities,” Fielkow said.

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photo(2) has just launched its latest salvo to squash myths about the metro New Orleans flooding.

The Stop Katrina Shorthand campaign is urging everyone in metro New Orleans to refrain from labeling the devastating flooding on August 2005 as caused by “Katrina.”

Katrina Shorthand promotes misunderstanding and leads American citizens to believe the New Orleans region was simply overwhelmed by a natural disaster, when in fact, the flooding was primarily a man-made event.

As a springboard for the new campaign, is spotlighting a resolution unanimously passed by the New Orleans City Council urging all local media to refrain from using Katrina Shorthand.

The resolution, written by, was sponsored by President Arnie Fielkow and co-sponsored by Councilwoman Cynthia Willard-Lewis District E.

Click the link below for a short video about the new campaign.

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Obama: Please refrain from using Katrina Shorthand

Dear President Obama:

When you return to the Oval Office, please sign an executive order authorizing an independent review of the flood protection failures, and the organizational component as well, during Hurricane Katrina. The language is co-written by Senator David Vitter R-LA and Senator Mary Landrieu D-LA. And it’s shovel ready.

And please, when you talk about New Orleans, please refrain from using Katrina Shorthand. New Orleans and St. Bernard were flooded primarily by civil engineering mistakes made by our country’s Army Corps of Engineers, not a natural disaster.

Click below for nationally televised interview on MSNBC.

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