Two groups join Levees.Org’s call to address flooding

Two more entities have joined our growing list of supporters calling for the 8/29 Investigation Senate Bill 2826 filed by Senator Mary Landrieu D-LA.

Last week, I received word that the Sierra Club Delta Chapter “strongly supports’s campaign to get Congress to appoint an 8/29 commission. Two days later, I received word that the Southeast Flood Protection Authority East had unanimously passed a resolution calling for the 8/29 Commission and also calling for looking at how public works all along the Mississippi River contribute to southeast Louisiana’s vulnerability to hurricanes and flooding.

The resolution was proposed by authority secretary John Barry, the author of “Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America.”

Barry added in an interview with the Associated Press that an investigation beginning three years after the hurricane would have the benefit of fresh looks at the evidence collected for similar studies in the immediate aftermath of the flooding.

Stories about the levee authority’s support have also been featured on WWL Eyewitness News Channel 4, the Times Picayune and The Advocate.

The Board of Levees.Org is proud and pleased to add these two organizations to our list of supporters!

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.Org

If you haven’t yet, click here to write your members of Congress and demand the 8/29 Investigation Act!

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Corps of Engineers’ PR in high gear on Midwest Flooding

Updated June 29, 2014.

In many cases, the Midwest flooding was a failure of the US Army Corps of Engineers to properly predict and control flooding. That explains why PR masters from the Corps of Engineers are very busy this week doing apparently coordinated interviews with major news sources.

Journalist Georgianne Nienaber covers this topic with some wry humor in her piece today in OpEdNews.

All of the messengers from the Corps are saying the same thing, that the Mississippi River Basin levees were a loose amalgam of federal and non-federal levees not sufficiently monitored or maintained.

Ron Fournier, Eric Halpin and Gerry Galloway, all Corps or former Corps employees are deflecting responsibility away from civil engineers with the Corps of Engineers and toward local politicians and the residents who elected them.

This exact thing happened after Katrina’s storm surge toppled levees in New Orleans. Even though the responsibility for the flood protection’s performance belonged exclusively to the Corps, upper level Corps officials were blaming us, the locals, even as we were running for our lives.

Click here and demand the 8/29 Investigation, a truly independent analysis of why metro New Orleans – like the Midwest – was so vulnerable to catastrophic flooding.

Sandy Rosenthal

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Favorite photos of the Midwest Flooding

AccuWeather has posted their three favorite photos of the Midwest Flooding. The Number One photo is a submerged farm in LaGrange, Missouri, a whopping 314 feet above sea level. So much for the theory that New Orleans was doomed because parts of the city were below sea level.

What happened to the Midwest is the same thing that happened to New Orleans. It was a failure of US Army Corps of Engineers, the largest civil engineering entity in the world to properly predict flooding and to properly build structures to alleviate it.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder of Levees.Org

Want to do something? Click here and demand the 8/29 Investigation, a truly independent analysis of why metro New Orleans – like the Midwest – was so vulnerable to catastrophic flooding.

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